I decided to journal my week as a full-time online coach and share it with you! Here’s how it unfolded.

And no, this is not a special week filled with leadership retreats, coaching conferences, or lots of travel. Instead, I chose a week that felt great and close to ideal – for me and my current way of working.

As always and with everything:

It’s about finding your way to set up your work life for success and fulfillment based on where you are right now.

This includes your

  • Personal preferences
  • Employment type
  • Family situation
  • Energy level
  • Life phase

That’s why you’ll never hear a one-size-fits-all blueprint from me.

My main purpose is to reflect about my week and share a sneak peek behind the curtain.

Could it inspire you along the way? Maybe!

With that being said, I’m starting my journaling now. Let’s see how this week turns out and what surprises might pop up along the way. (P.S., spoiler: there will be one!)


For the past few months, I’ve been embracing my No-Meeting Monday. It’s exactly what it sounds like – no meetings on Mondays!

There are exceptions, of course, but I’ve managed to keep more than 60% of my Mondays meeting-free this year so far. (Yes, I clicked all the way back to January to get that number right.)

This might not work for everyone. But for many people I work with, batching similar tasks like meetings, video recordings, or other deep work projects like researching, strategizing, or writing has been a game-changer.

Why does it work for me? Because it lets me kickstart the week with creative tasks.

Today, I spent the day giving this coaching blog, Coaching Insights, a design refresh. I focused on updating the English version and making sure everything runs smoothly across both desktop and mobile.

Time flew by, and I felt really happy with the result.

I also felt like sharing some behind-the-scenes moments on Instagram – and, naturally, I had the idea for this post, so I started writing.


After filling up my creative cup over the weekend and on Monday, I felt 100% ready to dive into coaching and workshops for the week!

I kicked off the day with an online workshop for a group of leaders learning and practicing how to apply a coaching approach in the workplace.

Afterwards, I had a quick alignment call with Dr. Tobias Kiefer. He always brings a flood of ideas, and we’re currently creating a new in-house leadership program experience. I’m excited about this one – more scriptwriting and on-camera work ahead!

Later, I had a business coaching session. And of course, I kept journaling for this post.


Staying in my coaching energy, I kicked off the day with a leadership coaching session, followed by a 1:1 training on coaching in the workplace, and then two more coaching sessions.

I wrapped up the day with a project call for an in-house leadership program that’s nearly ready to launch.


Still fully in my coaching zone!

Since I’m part of the coaching pool for a leadership program conducted by the consulting firm andQFIVE, I spent Thursday with four more 1:1 leadership coaching sessions.

Working with ambitious leaders is always inspiring. And that pretty much sums up Thursday!


Today, my No-Meeting Friday came into play. No meetings on the calendar, just like more than 70% of my Fridays so far this year. And there’s a reason for that.

It gives me just enough room to tackle all the smaller tasks, like prepping taxes, handling coaching onboarding, achieving inbox zero, or checking off other admin tasks.

After a few days of travel or intense focus on a single project, my need for this type of day tends to increase. Depending on how much I feel I could benefit from not just a mental, but also practical reset, I call it my Life Repair Day. I’m happy to share more about it another time, but for now, here’s the gist.

Most of these tasks aren’t inherently fun to me, but when I batch them together, it feels like a game: How many tasks can I tick off my list in the next 25 minutes? Or, how long will it take me to finish ten of these tasks?

For me, this also includes personal tasks. Today, my list gently reminded me to log the latest movies and series we watched, or that our plants needed some attention…

And once I felt finished, I slipped into weekend mode.

Saturday & Sunday

Weekends are my time to recharge and dive back into creative projects, like developing ideas and concepts. So, what did I do this weekend?

I finally created my own linktree for Instagram – you know, that single link you drop in your bio that leads to all your relevant links, like your website. Or LinkedIn profile. Now it’s up and running, offering a clear gateway into my coaching world.

Oh, and about that surprise I mentioned earlier: Klaus Salminen and I teamed up with Alex DePew to set up a green screen studio. Why?

We shot the raw footage that Klaus will use to create our AI avatars.  There are certain rules you have to follow to get the footage right, so we helped each other out to make sure we were spot on.

And yes, you read that right – AI avatars! My upcoming videos will be presented by my avatar! — No, of course, not. We’ll use them for demonstration purposes only.

That was an unexpected but great way to wrap up the week in the life of an online coach.

Wishing YOU a great week!

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Christine Paulus Online Personal Business Coach Berlin

Christine Paulus


I'm Christine Paulus, an M.Sc. psychologist and certified Integral Coach and Business Coach. Since 2013, I work with leaders, business owners, and private individuals. As a longtime musician, I love bringing an improvisational approach into my online coaching!